
Help & FAQ


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Our site uses adaptive bit-rate streaming to deliver the highest quality media that your internet connection and device can handle. Optimally, you'll see a high-definition picture up to 1080p with stereo audio. While you're streaming, we'll monitor your bandwidth to make certain you're getting the best stream possible - if your connection and/or device require, we'll adapt send an appropriate stream to optimize your viewing experience.

Titles can be watched on your computer browser, tablet, or smartphone. You can also watch it on a Chromecast enabled device by clicking on the cast icon at the bottom of the player and selecting the appropriate device to cast to.

Yes, the films are geo restricted and available for viewing in North America only. 

For many of the films, the subtitles are baked in and you don't need to do anything. For a few films, the subtitles are not baked in and you have a choice to enable/disable. To enable/disable subtitles in those cases, please click the CC button at the bottom of the player and then select the language.  

The films are available for you to watch as many times as you want from October 20th to October 24th 2021 (11:59pm PST). Please make sure you finish watching all the films before this time so that you don't miss out on any them.

To watch the films, you will need to login using the same email address and password that you used to create your festivee account and buy the pass. Once you login, navigate to the films page from the top of the homepage, select the film you want to watch and click play.

The web embedded player that opens up allows you to adjust volume, enable/disable caption (for selected films), video quality and other settings at the bottom. 

An all-access pass allows you to see all our online films here. You must login using the same email address and password which you used to create your festivee account and purchase the pass. The films will be available for viewing from October 20th through October 24th 2021 (11:59PM PST).   

An all-access pass gives you access to all online films here from October 20th to October 24th 2021 (11:59pm PST). To purchase an All-Access pass, click the "Purchase a Pass" button at the bottom of the homepage or from the Passes page. If you don't have an account, you will be prompted to create a new account by providing an email and password. Please save the email and password that you use to create the account as you will need it later to login and watch the films. 

From the top of the homepage, navigate to films, and then select "Borunbabur Bondhu". If you don't have a pass, there will be a button to Pre-Order Pass. Clicking this button will present you two options:

1. All-Access Pass that allows unlimited viewing of all online content or

2. Borunbabur Bondhu single title pass that allows unlimited viewing of Borunbabur Bondhu only.

Like with the rest of the titles, you have to complete watching the film before Nov 9th 11:59pm EST. 

Please use the blue chat icon at the bottom right of the web page for any technical issues you maybe experiencing with the festivee website.

If you have any questions regarding your account or the film festival, you can email us at info@indianartsboston.org or text/whatsapp us at 508-740-7847 or 508-207-6678. 

To login, please use the same email address and password that you used to create your festivee account and purchase the pass. You should have got a welcome email at the email address when you created the account and a confirmation email after you had purchased the pass.